Designer. Engineer. Explorer.

During my undergraduate, while reflecting on an application for a cross-disciplinary fellowship, I tried to reconcile how I could find myself so equally interested in science and the arts, two seemingly competing disciplines. But what I ultimately realized was that they both satisfied my innate desire to explore. As science is the quest to understand the natural world around us, art is similar in its attempts to explore internally and understand the complexity of the human experience. What bound me to both of them was a insatiable curiosity and desire to explore.

Below you will find a selection of my past work that I think captures my capabilities, motivations, and interests, curated specifically for MIT Media Lab. The projects shown below certainly are not comprehensive, so please feel to poke around the rest of my portfolio if this doesn’t seem to scratch your itch, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Click on the images below to view the details of each project. If a page is password protected, use the password “private”.


For the past 5 years, I have been working at a product design firm currently located in San Francisco. We are a full service consultancy that helps our clients innovation across the full spectrum of the design and development process. The portfolio is predominantly medical devices, but we employ a user-centered design process that ports across disciplines and industries. Though most of my work is still confidential, here are a few case studies to give you an overview of the work I have been doing.

Making Blood Clot Removal Safer…

Reducing lens fog for endoscopic procedures…

Affordable mosquito repellent for those who need it most…