Good Enough

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CASE STUDY 2 - Lens Cleaning Webcam

BACKGROUND // During laparoscopic procedures, it is common that the endoscopes get dirty and need to be cleaned. When inserted back into the body cavity after cleaning in the cold ER, they fog up forcing the surgeon to wait a few minutes while it clears up.

CASE STUDY 3 - Lens Cleaning Webcam

CASE STUDY 4 - Kijani Clamps

CASE STUDY 5 - Computer Mouse Blood Flow Sensor

CASE STUDY 6 - Sonographer Human Factors Testing

CASE STUDY 7 - One Web

BACKGROUND // We cut up tripod legs to build the extending features for the legs.

CASE STUDY 8 - Olefactory Alarm Clock

CASE STUDY 1 - Verily Phoropter Test Stand

BACKGROUND // While working on a smart contact lens tuning device, we needed a stand to hold our phoropter. To quickly achieve this before our client meeting, we cut a hole in a stool, bent out the legs, and screwed it to a board to make a proper stand in less than an hour.

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