Multi-sensor Test Bed Interface

OBJECTIVE // To build a software interface to gather data from a collection of sensors that were mounted on a test rig to gather empirical performance data about how a cart navigates various different conditions.

DETAILS // Another team had been working on a rolling cart type device for a client and they needed a quick way to gather some data and visualize how well their stabilization system was working so they called me in to build a quick prototype interface. The plan was to use accelerometers and gyroscopes from 3 different Arduino boards that connected to a USB hub and then to a computer mounted on the cart to record the data for various performance tests. This required 12 different data streams communicated via 3 serial port connections and then rendered in real time on a dashboard.

With the hardware we had, I was able to get a sampling frequency of 50Hz which resulted in a recording frequency of about 45Hz as there was some latency resulting from the amount of data being collected and the processing required.